18th July 2023

Water renewal

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I have something to look forward to. Today my preferred public health officer announced that there will be another round of vaccines. No real mystery because it’s been what a year? Two years? I forget the details. I understand the mechanics. My local pharmacist will stick a small pointed needle in my arm and then ask me did it hurt and I will go on my way reassured. I’m not gonna die from this pandemic. My high school guidance counselor did me short. I was never told that I could have been a meterologist. Not meteorologist, but a meterologist. Someone who spends their life measuring things. Today we did our own benchmark tests. Took the battery pack hook it up to the AC and let it run for three hours. I now know how long I can handle a heat wave. As well, the recharge cycle takes about the same amount of time as it does to deplete the bank. All is even. We also changed the fresh water in the tank.? Well, because you should. Water does not like to be held captive for any length of time. In our case we live in the country and you just let the old water run out of the ground and then you hook up a hose and you put new water in. How do you tell when it’s full? Listen for the glug glug sound. If I was a real meterologist I would have some sort of flowing gauge there measure things for me but right now I’m doing it the old fashioned way wait for water to run on the ground. This is not a sign of imminent departure. This is just common sense. Fill the tank and then if we want to go somewhere we can. Carrying enough water to make coffee and flush things. All good. It was a hot day around here and I could also check the air conditioning in the house. It ran for most of the afternoon and the house is now seasonably cool. So much better than the old days. I did watch a video about people who live in old school buses in the desert. Not how I want to spend my final days. I guess everyone has their place and for those who decide to go into the desert and wait for whatever a school bus is as good a choices any. We had no visitors today. At least, not yet. Darkness is coming. It is times like this that I missed the dog who would have barked if someone came in the yard. Now I have to do that job and I don’t bark well. 

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