17th July 2023

Seaside pizza

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Not only do I stink, but I hardly can handle the word twin. Especially when it comes to identifying equipment. We have an ongoing dialogue in this house for one person every RV is a twin for the other no RV is a twin they’re all unique even ours. We were down by the beach in Souris this evening, watching the  waves as the tide was  coming in or going out, I could not see. Over pizza. And then a twin almost, was parked nearby. This one was a year older and different colours and came from a different place and had different people inside but it still merited the term since it was made by the same company. It’s all in the details I think. This afternoon we had visitors, that we know from years past in the campground. Always good to catch up with people and find out that they, too, are getting through the worst of life along with the best of life. In their case they had also had a car accident that totaled their vehicle. In their case in Florida. I think that’s a little worse than here on the island. Anyhow they are here camping and enjoying the best of life. Not much else to add about a day when the sun shone brightly and we saw people we knew and we had pizza by the seaside. Deal with life as it comes because it’s too short.

It is late, and the bugs are coming inside as well as outside. I think I would just give up and go to sleep.

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