Bird interest
In her home in our home the level of avian interest is intense. In simple terms we are bird keen. We have knowledge about things like nutrition and predation and nesting. We even know about bird colours. A blue Jay is not the same as a blue bird. This week a newcomer to the area. A bird with a striking blue bill. A sort of Raptor. From what we know this bird is here from Central America. A refugee if you will. We do not know how long it will be in the area but interest is high. Cars coming and going with the hope of spotting the newcomer. On another track we are also intensely interested by weather. Today the local Weather Service and the news gave us a lot of information about what to do during a tornado. Let me note, there is almost no chance of having a tornado in this area. The story came from central Canada where they do things differently. What I have learned is that if the wind comes up I should not hide in the RV or in the bathtub. Rather go to the basement. I do have a basement. And back last fall when we had a big hurricane that same service offered no advice whatsoever. We were on our own in the dark. I am so confused.
I remember being told after the weather forecast on tv that we should pick up all our outside furniture before the winds came up. My furniture cannot move not even in a hurricane; the stuff weighs almost too much for me to lift it. I am glad that I do not have any of that cheap stuff from the local box store.