12th July 2023

Fog sound

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My place on my couch is very comfortable. I can see what goes on in the front yard and I can hear many different sounds. The sounds are the most interesting part actually. There is that almost inaudible rumble from a ship that passes including the ferry. There’s the throaty roar of motorcycles on the way to the point. There are the small rodents that bicker in the front yard, and there’s the high pitched beating of wings. Small sugar vultures I think. All part of my Symphony. One sound that doesn’t treat me is the sound of a fog siren. There is no longer a foghorn at the point but when ships pass in the straight they have to let the others around know that they’re coming through. Hence the horn. Long blasts with a high pitch. Makes me wonder where they’ve been and where they’re going. I went out to the RV and collected all my clothes today. The last trip is now over. The next trip is not yet set. It does not take long to repack. My needs are very simple. Where will we go next, not far. Maybe to the other end of the province. We have not been there in a while. We could take the ferry but that’s too risky. Better to wait for it to come to me.

My recording engineer has discovered the wonder of microwave s’mores. I have to wait for the fingers to be cleaned before touching the tablet. I wonder do they taste as good as s’mores made over an open fire? I am somehow doubtful. But when I hear I’m stuck it gives me time to reflect.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 at 20:27 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 279 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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