11th July 2023

Homeward bound

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I am unsure if the phrase comes from a movie or a book title, but it certainly fits today. A long day’s journey into night. We started around sun to rise actually rain rise. Gave a quick lift to someone to get to work and then we went to breakfast with someone else in a restaurant. By the time we left there went to the bank the morning was gone. But we were ready to hit the road. Our shakedown cruise is coming to a close and we’re going to head back to port as a sailor would say. The day was uneventful. I wasn’t driving but I was a passenger as we passed through New Brunswick. The only highlight was a stop have a discussion about the effects of wind on ABS systems. Some open questions there. After dark we hit that long stretch of road. Where moose rule. Big flashing signs to warn you. And we drove from there to the bridge. If the moose ever figure out how to get past the toll guards on the bridge, there would be definitely 2-way traffic. Of course, the rain continued but we did not care because our leak is gone thanks to the technicians at the dealer. And by the time we get into the driveway it was almost midnight. In fact, if this blog seems a little delayed put that down too that long day. What can I tell you? We’re starting to realize that we have all we need to travel, except for time. Grass grows even when you’re not at home. The rain does not help or does as you will. At home things were fine no surprises. And so, we did the greatest thing where you leave everything in the camper and just go to bed in the house. It can all be done tomorrow.

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