10th July 2023

Wondering in circles

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I am a child of Amazon. I used to do a lot of shopping in malls, but I have not for a number of years. When I need to purchase something, I make visits to places that have exactly what I want, pay and I go home. Or I shop for online. I had almost forgotten the insanity of a shopping centre. Today I found myself back in a mall that I visited many times. Not hundreds but many. I used to know my way around the place. I could give directions to others. Not anymore. The problem is that the shopping mall is designed to disorient. They want you to walk in concentric circles. Unfortunately, the two ends of the circle do not always meet with the hope that you will find something else to purchase this is after all a bazar. And so,  we spent time in very loud conditions 87 decibels at the quiet point while we did things like buy milkshakes and fries. A mall is also a place to eat. Our day was not done yet because we had not found nearly all the things on the list. We went to a store that sold what we needed. Chairs. We now own two more camping chairs. Soon the whole family can have a place to sit outside by the fire that is not yet been lit. A day of shopping. Tomorrow, I won’t be going to a mall. I’ll do something much better for my soul. Return to the seashore

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