18th June 2023

A card cutter convention

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Consider it as barter. Our final sack of kibble to the man across the way, in return for some fresh lobsters. One of a kind deal. Not something we would every have done, back in the big city.

Here, the great purge continues. Today, a bag full of cards. The plastic kind, issued by just about everyone, all with  identifiers. Banks, transit, schools, libraries, etc. Snip them in half, and see if anyone tries to do a strange amalgam of identify theft.

We also worked on boxes of books. The  unique titles were  yearbooks from schools where I worked. Not ready to give up my own volumes, just yet. We also cleared out a collection of  processors chips. Mainly  Pentium. No idea how that  collection became so large.

Son number three is off for his personal tour of France. I realize that correlation is not causation, but there was an earthquake in his area.  I told him to keep a journal, just because.

So, back to the purge.  I am still  identifying cables by touch; getting good at it, if I dare to brag. There were also things from my past, lie a hooked rug that I did while away from the real world. A keeper.

I did no realize that books were no longer welcomed by our local used book stores. Might be my choice of books. We will, in keeping with the rules, remove the covers and turn the tomes into  nothing pretty. To be fair, if I cannot see the  printing on a page, the book has less value.

I found the pages from a student directory from a half century ago. I am much better at keeping useless things than I realized.

Just for the record, neither kibble nor mobile shellfish rank high on my menu choices, so the trade earlier was all fine.

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