19th June 2023

My gradual role reduction

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This evening, I stepped  away from  the table. In  administrative terms, at least. I have had a minor role to play in a local community group. I learned, I laughed, I  saw that my own contributions were heading into unseen territory, literally. Those blank pages that others could read, meant that I am, for the future, going to have to adjust my take on life. This was the first  official detail.

No batter.  Will escape my hearing.

We sorted through several boxes of cables, at home, and  I have no idea that my collection of  guitar cords had grown to the  number on hand. I hope that someone else will enjoy the new bounty.

What else. Well we received a  sympathy card from the vet.  I guess that  it is something taught in vet business college.

The temperatures remain low. Just into the double digits. Apparently a kayaker has died, in the area, due to cold water and the adverse effects on the body.

And we have won a minor skirmish with the telephone bandits. When we decided to  scale back our use of their services, one big factor was price. That and the  incorrect information. We got some updated pricing, this afternoon, which cuts the remaining bill by half. Can you imagine buying any other service where the cost seems to fluctuate with the time of day, or the rainfall?  We hare down by more than half from our initial quote. I am happy, because I come out as a winner.  I had the idea that I might have to go outside and flag down a fire truck, if we did not maintain emergency calling. We are past that point, but I wonder how many others have been given patently false information by the sales staff.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 19th, 2023 at 21:42 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 292 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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