17th June 2023

Away without a plan

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Last evening, we camped on impulse. The RV was ready, and we had no other items on the agenda, so we did a bit of boondocking. Easy, when you live in a province that has beaches and lonely roads almost everywhere.

There was one quick phone call, to an acquaintance, to see if our efforts would invite a reaction from the constabulary. Unlikely. So we left, in the darkness, in a gentle rain. Drove to a place better known as the location for the Ark. Not that Ark. Ours. A bit of history.

And, of course, given the lack of planing, we left without some simple things. Food, coffee, coats. Just a small heater, on a thermostat, and our good knowledge of how to sleep in bags.

The night was without incident. No knock on the window. No strong winds. By morning, we called it quits and went home. An now the planning for the next moment can begin. This time around, I will bring a coat, and maybe some snacks. Coffee, for sure. 

The new rig is smaller than the old rig but the beds are more comfortable. A plus. As well, we  could have done some many more things. Made burgers. Watched the stars (although the rain makes that into some thin more challenging. Brought a radio and listened to the world, from a location on a lonely seashore. Written the opening pages to a movie. The possibilities are there.

I have a cousin that wants to give courses in scrip writing, so this could mesh nicely. Wait for the credits in our fist full length motion picture. I did bring water, last evening. Not a requirement, but something that seemed so logical in the dark.


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