16th June 2023

Power in a box

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My need for standby power is not a secret. If I have to sit in the dark, it will be by choice, not by necessity. Geny is out by the corner of the house, assuring that a power outage should not  endure for more than a few seconds (hurricane excluded).

We have also acquired a big box filled with Li-ion goodies, that is designed to be portable. If  weighing more than a hundred pounds, weight can be referred to as portable. Little matter. We have a magic box, that we call the Titan, and it works when required.

Now, on the other RV,  we considered getting Lithium, but when there was a need you have to bring the van along. So, we did not. Fast forward to now.

RV-one is now RV-two, and this afternoon, I introduced  Titan to its new shelter.  Some careful calculations, a few moments of head scratching to determine the best orientation, so lifting and the job is done. Now, we can take shore power along for the ride, at least for several days. And recharging  will be done by a generator in the RV. All good.

The downside is that space in a mobile tent is limited. We will trade off space for junk, and go with space to keep the lights on. All we have left is to pack up the satellite receiver and set up in  a field, away from here.

Today, I went for a walk. On a boardwalk. And I did not fall off or under. All good, I guess. I could smell all the different woods.

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