15th June 2023

Skoolie days

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Those of us who are of a certain age will remember the family with their own bus. A rock band, with Mom at the wheel. Enough seats for each  to have their own bench. A bit like my days in high school, where our bus was rarely full.  It was not a luxury ride, but  we didn’t spend much time on board. And the  mechanical fitness of the bus was never in doubt, given that the company had their own maintenance depot.


Today, I watched a video about a young couple in the skoolie. A converted bus, which has enough floor space to  transform into a comfortable RV, if you are able to afford the maintenance. My bus was green, and theirs was yellow. And it has issues.

They had better than two weeks in repair mode, where the motive power, and the drive train and the brakes were brought back to spec. We saw the couple trying to stay with the rig. Coming in the garage, if you will. And it all went well until COVID started, closing the facility.

Not the best way to spend a small fortune, and they had to borrow  a company car to go out for groceries, and laundry and anything else that became a need. I think they made it through in one piece. A bit poorer. Just as keen about their bus and the adventures that lay ahead.

Luxury, on a limited budget. And the comfort of a bus bench is a kind of life in a TV movie.

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