11th June 2023

High or low, the wind will blow

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It might  have been due to the onset of winter.  After our first real hurricane came through, back in the last part of September, my weather station went offline when the sensors were removed by a combination of wind and gravity. And some damage to the railing  around the deck.

The deck was repaired, ever and ages ago and the weather station was put back into service while we decided on how to stabilize things.

Today,  the hob got done. Two sections of pipe were driven into the ground using my sledge hammer. Then, the weather station was carried, with reverence and  respect, to its new location in the back yard, on top of one of those pieces of pipe. The second pipe gave it a leg to stand beside, if you will.

Since the heartbeat of the WiFi  in the weather station was still on, we decided that this new location would be even better than the old one. A bit lower, but the winds around here still gets to do its part.  We are now back online and ready for the next big storm. Perhaps not another hurricane, but that will be learned at the right time.


My email got a good sorting, this afternoon. We got rid of the old stuff, and made steps to cancel certain online services that were no longer needed. Yes, this should have been done, years ago, but the companies deserve to feed their families too.

My own belief is that the wind will find the wind vane, even if there is a slight drop in the height above ground. And in the end, the wind will still blow as it wants. My measurement necessary.

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 11th, 2023 at 19:40 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 278 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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