12th June 2023

Forcing my future to be digital

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With one day gone by, the weather station is standing firm. I am going to  head out on a limb and declare this a success. I  have no idea how to call up a hurricane on demand, just to test things, so I will trust in my lifetime of building things cheaply. In other words, we shall see. It also went for warmer today, which reminds me that we go from parka to park very quickly in this part of the world. Very comfortable, outside.

This was the  first real purge in the garage, at least from the point of view of  accrued value. As of this evening, my  past collection of film photography gear has been reduced to memories. It hurts. I spent a lot of time with my trusted Pentax, and it never flinched  while capturing images. I thought about it, and there is no way I am going back to the days of film and chemistry, so it made the choice a bit easier. Still not how I saw that part of my life ending, but we cannot always decide on things.

And, I still have the essence, in my digital replacements. All of the  fundamentals still  have application. I do not start at the sun, nor do I shoot directly into the light. We will have to decide what happens with the various bits of flash gear.

I also had to decide what to do with some arcane  bits and pieces. Will I ever do a rebuild on a Pto. Not likely. Nor would I want to teach someone else how to do something I never actually completed.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 12th, 2023 at 20:43 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 269 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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