9th June 2023

Push on through to the other side

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Rather than digress, let me mention that our quest for more stable web access is making slow progress. Today, the replacement cable for the antenna, and a proper egress, from the house to the outside world. Actually  the cable is now attached to the deck, until the next big storm.

I should mention that our new networking involved a musk melon, the name bestowed by a friend, sight unseen. I usually  avoid melons, but this one works. Faster. No speed tests to report yet, as we continue to test the configuration, but the effect on YouTube videos is obvious. Like getting a good push that keeps the signal alive and well. If this continues, can a subscription to their premium service be far behind? Stay tuned.

I did take a tablet out to the to van, where I sat and watched something about a movie. Without delays. The WiFi signal is carrying further than expected, and I could see running a an inner hotspot, should a guess be in need.

What else is going on. Apparently there is a job up for grabs, if you can stand the insults from the Opposition. That  plan to investigate foreign interference in elections has hit a bump, as the  man in charge of the task has decided that some jobs are just not worth it. My own advice would be to give our parliamentary mad dog an additional job title, and let him take on his own  complaints. Will not happen, be we can wish, right?

The weekend is here and there is a road race to watch, tomorrow. For the interested, obviously. The time it takes someone to jog past my lane is just a blip on the radar. Since I will not be  running alongside, even in just.

This entry was posted on Friday, June 9th, 2023 at 21:04 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 293 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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