Ask a friend
So, class. Who has seen the wind? No hands? OK, who has seen the effect of the winds on a shingled roof? And now we have a response.
Last night, the winds came back. No power outage, locally, but we have a new harvest of shingles. The people that come for our repair calls are on speed dial, almost. Since H.Fiona, this is the third time. Never a large amount, but apparently things can spiral out of control. Not to mention the insidious rain. Sure, winter is coming, but is delayed in this area. I don’t want to tempt fate, so we have added a new line to the house budget.
Not every question is (equaFllly) important. However, we are trained from the cradle to ask. Let me introduce you to Siri, because she is always listening. Today, the need to know about oranges and Christmas moved to the top of the queue. As in “when, where and why”.
Based on the response, there’s a link between Florida and family life when you were poor. If the only gift you received was a orb of sweet goodness, with odour and texture, then you probably remember it moment. I am too young for the custom, but my parents have mentioned how getting an orange was a highlight. Didn’t need to wait for the invention of the iPhome. My paents were canon. From that, I now know that orange juicee did not come from the freezer section in the market. It was just convenient, in a winter world. Now back to our regular program.