Videos for everything
A word of praise (not the churchy kind) for people that create educational videos. At least, the good ones. The content is not always great, but I have come across some exceptional ones. As you can guess, I’m watching instructions for things that I don’t actually own. Being prepared. I now know how to test and change the capacitor on an outdoor air conditioner, if ever the need arises.
It’s an educator thing. The good examples are scripted, even if the narrator manages to keep the clipboard out of sight. When you are judging quality, watch for circular logic and unnecessary repitition. The good ones try to be liniear.
Now, what else is going on in my world. Well, we’re back into autumn. No need to deploy shovels, just yet. And I’m ready for the storm (a good song, in passing).
Son #1 and partner have crossed the Equator, and the Amazon. The trip of a lifetime, I will bet. At least it will keep him cognizant that bilinugual is no longer sufficient. And that a dictionary (properly selected) goes a long way to getting one over the bumpy sections on the road. Do I wish I was along for the ride? Not my turn, any more. I’ll wait for the photos.
Seriously, my taste for travel is declining. Trying to find my way through the markers in an international airport is more of a challenge than I want, right now. If you have tricks, let me know. I like to learn (so I can advise others). Do leave your contact info, so I can channel questions.