a school, but with drones
I now want to know more. The local university (my university) has just opened a new facility, away from what I always considered to be the campus. How far? About an hour, from parking lot to parking lot. The school is devoted to environmental studies, and they let the stodents fly drones. This is so different from my own time on campus, and I’m left asking if I was born a half-century too early. Probably. If there had been drones, back in the day, I would have finagled some pilot time, with or without the proper permissions. Now, I just want to know more about the program of study. No, I won’t be applying; that life is behund me, and no, I won’t be ordering any tiny personal flight toys, late at night from Amazon. But I can still dream.
Today was a two bread day. Ran the robot, twice. Had a special request to “make” a loaf for someone local. There’s a few hours needed, each time, but I did learn that letting the loaf cool, on its own, seems to provide cosmetic benefits. I know. Not how the bread looks that matters, but I do like to improve my skills. Not cfraft.
In a nod to the improving weather, I spent some time on the deck, this afternoon. Our chairs are solid. Not quite to the point of uncomfortable, but having some personal padding helps. I might budget for some all-weather cushions, going forward. Hook up a radio. Put some water in a ptcher, close at hand. Get into comfort. We’re behind that screen of trees, so I don’t have to dress (sic) for success. Although, overflights by drones could be an issue.