Roaming around in my orchard
Any advanced technology can be seen as magic, if the observer is unfamiliar with it. I know. I put in too many years trying to flog technological solutions. And one of our better tools to help our clients was “remote desktop”, in its many forms.
This afternoon, we involved Apple in an issue. Painful, in that (some) support people don’t know what questions they need to ask, when trying to get basic information from their customers. There are many ways to “say” the alphabet, hence standardinzed phonetics. Unless you have never used them. I’ll save you from the details. Moving along.
In a connected society, we have certain polite ways of doing things. Just because that door was open, you shouldn’t just waltz in and start driving the cursor. There are software solutions, for support people, that usually require installing client software, determining the virtual address of a client and going through levels of protection for privacy.
Apple, I learned today, also has a remote desktop solution. And “they” already know where you are, virtually. That Apple ID is a powerful key. When the cursor started to move (some) after a simple request, I was impressed with the transparency. No need to trade information, other than the ID itself. Keep that in mind, going forward. Your ID isn’t a one-time token. If the rignt people have it, they have you.
No, that little roam around my orchard didn’t give away any secrets. I have none. But you have been warned. When you join the happy family, over at Apple, you are theirs. And if your cursor starts to dance, consider the possibilities. My computers are behind a firewall, and use a VPN for almost everthing (else).