23rd July 2020

Sunscreen for the BBQ

posted in environment |

Sunscreen, for the BBQ cover. It should be a thing.

When I purchased our (wonderful) BBQ, four years ago, I decided to include a cover. Something to protect against the wind and the rain. And it has. Unfortunately, the sun also shines, and the material seems to have developed holes. Tears, actually. Something akin to those blue jeans that are sold as pre-worn. I tried to bind the wounds, using duct tape, but I can see that the only recourse will be to order a replacement.

I intend to return to the source, given that I have been satisfied with the sizing and the protection from the climate. It pays to get the right size, as the smallest one (too small for my needs) is priced at a remarkable 57% more than the largest one (there are three sizes available). I don’t understand, but I guess it has to do with popularity. In any case, the cover  I want is out of stock, so I will rely on duct tape until a better moment.

Speaking of which, I rely on the blog to keep track of trivial moments. This evening, when it came time to preheat the BBQ, the propane tank was empty. Happily, I live only minutes from my general store, where refills are available (even at suppertime during a pandemic). With a tap of the magic money card, and the time required to load my cargo and get home, the supper prep could continue. Lovely steaks, with nary a trace of char. That’s a good thing!


This entry was posted on Thursday, July 23rd, 2020 at 20:16 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 255 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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