22nd July 2020

Imagined walls

posted in technology |

For those of us who don’t spend much time on building construction sites, there’s a life skill that really helps: the ability to imagine how a pile of lumber will turn into complete walls and doors. I’m a rookie, I admit. Most of my worklife was spent in structures that were old when I was born.

Our basement project has come back to life, after a few months of quarantined shutdown. I’m fortunate that I have only one person to communicate with, and we’re starting to understand ourselves. At least, based on what has already been finished.

Now, on the timeline, MY space. Where I will unpack a wide range of radio and musical gear, and hopefully kickstart my creativity. But, first, where do I want to put things. Not so simple. I’ve looked at lots of photos, and I recognize that there are varied levels of complexity (translate that word as “financial outlay”. My wants are simple, but one big tabletop is not an allowed idea. And so, I’m taxed with deciding where my stuff will be, several months hence.

Some of the planning is predicated on wires; antenna cables, electrical boxes, etc. Another part is going to rely on ergonomics. That which killed the one desktop model is that you can’t play a piano if you can’t reach the keys. Also, wireless doesn’t apply in amateur radio. Everything is connected to everything else, which makes the word “wireless” moot.

Today, we did the basics. Decided on where the door will go, and how solid the wall along the stairwell should be.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 at 17:53 and is filed under technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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