21st July 2020

Imagine waking up to the Who

posted in music |

Took a deep dive into some music from more than fifty years ago. When I was in high school, saying something like that meant that you had been spending too much time in the music room going through old piles of sheet music. Now, we do such things digitally. And, if you have your calculator on, you realize that I’m talking about two distinctly different moments in history.

Fifty years ago, you would have wanted to head on down to Yasgur’s Farm. Even if you didn’t recognize the name. You set your road map on the area around Bethel. New York, not the Middle East. And if you had friends with a tent, you got to sleep inside.

I’m not trying to revisit history. I wasn’t there. But, like most of my generation, we’ve owned the LP set, and we might have even seen the movie. Three days of music, with all the mud you could wear. Forget the flowers, because others had already picked them.

You were impressed that all those names on the stage had faces; we didn’t always get to associate the two. I would have loved to stay awake all night, just to catch the live performances by Joan or Janis. And imagine a sunrise with The Who!

By coincidence, the set lists are (now) available in Wiki. Back then, you would have either had to listen to the sound coming from the stage, or shook a tent mate awake, for an early version of Shazam. Times have changed!

Perhaps I should see if Netflix carries the concert.


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