Performance explanation
We tend to forget that nature is just one big performance with millions of actors on stage. Today the star of its own show or the tiny jungle who by accident had discovered the wonder of the mirror. Not just one mirror many mirrors. There were cars and each one came with its own tiny stage. There she was in front of the mirror again and again chirping and preening as only a bird can do. The pity is that the mirror does not hold a record of the performance and we may have to get a movie camera to capture some of these moments for posterity. After all we humans have all the good toys. Outside the foxes have discovered that there are more than one dog to tease. Again a performance. When the dog spots the fox, the fox giggles and goes around in a big circle and comes back. I wonder if the dog realizes how outclassed he really is. Myself I’m still trying to come to and understanding of this whole record my blog by voice. I do not see the words but they do appearance on the page apparently. And so I talk until I hope that I’ve met my goal. Often there is no way to tell until the very end and so this is become like nature an ongoing performance.
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