Just a blur, to me
The glow from my laptop covered the change from late afternoon to “Wow! It’s really dark outside!” Just a question of a few hours and a rich vein of genealogical data, and I’m in charge of my own world. The dog checks by, once in a while; there could be a loose biscuit around. With the other half of the household off to convene with kindred spirits, I make my own fun, as they say.
Had an interesting sighting, this afternoon. With my glasses off, the world is not in focus. I knew it was a large bird outside the window, but the colour (wheat-yellow) was what clued me in to get a better look. Out on one of the feeders, a hawk, perched and ready to forage. My only photo was captured on the iPad; by the time I moved and got a “real camera”, the hawk had spotted me and was gone. Poof!
Based on best practices in identification, I can confirm the species. A “sharp-shinned hawk.” Almost enough for me to keep the camera close at hand and place a comfortable chair near the window. Almost. Better not to get too involved in watching the feeder frenzy.
I’m trying to decide what would be a good choice to watch, this evening. Probably pass on the idea, and go back to my family tree work. Something that I can set aside when the yawns kick in (and they will; my age, etc.) Perhaps a small bowl of ice cream before bed… so many valuable possibilities, with no clear direction.