Advancing the hands on their clock
If others are also “on edge”, this doesn’t count as paranoia. The new trends in governance have a lot of people worried about the direction society is taking. Even the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists has entered the conversation, by advancing the hands on their Doomsday Clock. As of today, we’re “two and a half minutes away from midnight”. Or, in common terms, back to where we stood in the 1950’s, when the threat of annihilation by mad politicians was at a peak. Reflect on that, please.
My attempt to draft a working contract for a local project was presented, and affirmed, this evening. I still need to “dot the T’s and cross the I’s”, but that shouldn’t prove arduous. I will have to turn off some of the proofing tools in my word processor, obviously.
Here we are, still in January. Summer seems very close! It has little to do with the massive thaw cycle, because a single snowstorm can cancel that sign. No, it’s more the realization that all those fun moments put on by groups locally during the beach weeks require an effort (and commitment) now. The members of the various organizations have to bring the budget numbers to the table, and a lot of advertising and planning gets done right now. I’m involved, locally; with just over a year at “the table”, I’m starting to see the big picture.
My efforts to upgrade the Macbook Pro are successful. I installed a new 1 TB SSD, and the machine now has a zip that was lacking, just a few hours ago. That little hard drive clone gadget is worth every dollar I spent.