Clamp work
Another quiet afternoon. A neighbour was changing address, so the car and usual driver were conscripted to assist. Leaving me, fueled by cold pizza, to learn about the craft of gluing wood. I had received a basic education, back in the 60’s, but that hardly counts.
And so, with a pair of clamps and the knowledge that carpenter’s glue can be removed (it can, right?), I set to adding reinforcements along the inner seams of the box. My visit to a box store (hardware) had given me two lovely long strips of wood to cut up. For free! The clerk said that someone had probably ripped a larger sheet, and they don’t sell the leftovers. My gain.
Anyhow, glue has to dry, so I had lots of time to spend on genealogy. I truly believe that the crowd-sourcing offered up on the web is a gain. Much easier than trying to scan years of microfilm at a far off library. I’ve started to feel comfortable with the “Acadian” sources.
This evening, for music, I turned to YouTube on the big TV. The new Lindsay Sterling album, as a stream, gave me 90 minutes of reasonable content. When it ends (in about five minutes), I can either find something similar or just go into my usual mode of catching up with social media feeds. By the time I get bored, it will be bedtime – the dog has been there for hours.
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. A long weekend isn’t as big a draw as it was only a few years back.