12th June 2016

The purse is actually a flag

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Reading on social media that others in this area are still preparing to plant their gardens; a sigh of relief, because we’re so not ready. Actually, push came to shove (figuratively), and the squares are now arrayed close to the treeline. The hares will have access, but short of going for a “green roof”, that’s a given. Country life. I am watching the ads for a cheap electric fencing solution.

Another mass shooting down in the deep South. A really big one, a record breaker. Yet, the gun advocates continue to advocate… after all, this is a market economy. The possibility of having every citizen owning at least two weapons causes uncontrolled salivation. Meanwhile, people die.

We’re still helping seed pirates find new homes. I think of it as our attempt to balance the imbalance. Put the seed buying account back in the black, if you will. Who knew that we’d need an additional budget allocation just to feed those who arrive at the front door?

Someone over on the North side had a boat fire this weekend. Saved, by the others, but this could have gone so badly. Seems strange to think about being surrounded by water and still catching fire; blame the motor, not the oars. Bigger boats and bigger risks, etc.

If I didn’t read the news, I’d never have known: the Queen uses her purse as a discrete flag to staff. A “get me out of here” message, when she plunks the sack on the dinner table. I’ll remember that tidbit, should she ever drop by.

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 12th, 2016 at 20:26 and is filed under media. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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