Gets scared when the thunder bumps
The email caught me off guard. No weather updates from my site in over twelve hours. And then I remembered; a bit of thunder, in the distance, sometime after midnight. The glitch in the electricity wasn’t enough to reset my clock collection, but the little server I use to send my feed off to the weather site had gone offline.
True, it’s not a “real” server, as my former coworkers used to remind me, but on a day-to-day basis, it does the job at a great price. Just gets scared when the thunder goes bump in the night.
More bird variety. I didn’t see the sand crane circling, but a grouse doing some sort of spread-winged hover and cover over by the treeline looked neat. Need to start recording this stuff for posterity or whatever.
Back before snow season, I made an offer to identify some random photos. Historical stuff. Took me until this evening to get my job done. Not a sign of much rigour in my routine. Might take me the rest of my life to get through the todo list.
Speaking of which… How big a list should I do? How granular? Does anyone really expect retirement to be more productive than those four decades doing for others? I don’t have a great level of guilt, yet, but then again, I never did let my knickers get too knotted up on someone else’s account. That’s just not me. Save the emergency energy level for an emergency, etc. Teach the dog to bark, and then step back.