Our wildlife refuge
Our personal wildlfe refuge is getting crowded. Four hares, in a row. Five squirrels, ready to “tell me off” when I interfere with the feasting. Dozens of grackles, who flock together; move in their direction and they find reason to check out the neighbour’s (pale imitation) feast. We sprinkle sunflower seeds, everywhere. If ever they start to take root, our lawn will be a very different place.
Getting ready for our week in the mire of the health system. I get my eye checked, tomorrow. Later in the week, a true surgical intervention for the other major shareholder in our zoo. There’s an issue with rings that don’t want to come off, which might require the services of a good mechanic (or a jeweler who has the right tools). Again, scheduled for tomorrow.
Today, the release of a huge list of tax evaders was published. I don’t know anyone, personally, with enough assets to avoid the mandatory contribution to the national kitty. I’m sure, by tomorrow, I’ll have read more than enough about them, though. That’s how the press function.
Read something about Mercury transiting the sun, today. I was warned at an early age not to look directly at that ball of fire, so I’ll wait for the movie version. Besides, watching a dot for hours on end is much like tracking the progress of a fly on the wall. In the direct light of the sun, the little buzzers just soak up the heat and hum. Much like humans on the beach, actually.