Trying my patience
On the kitchen table, right now, an experiment in ecology. Two people, cutting a pile of newspapers into strips before wrapping an odd wooden cylinder; the goal, to make planter pots for use in a school project. Fascinating, really.
The garden to be is actually moving from the hypothetical stage to the objective stage, here. The planting frame, in the garage, is now lit 24/7. Seeds have been hidden in soil, and careful attention to temperature and humidity may bring forth a plethora of seedlings. So that’s how we get away from supermarket food sourcing to a home harvest scenario. Again, fascinating. Really.
Down south, the GOP has managed to shake almost all of the nuts out of their tree. Only one remains. Unfortunately, not the one the majority hoped for, it seems. Should be interesting between now and November. Will they give up their principles, in the hope of winning the big prize, or will sanity prevail? After listening to a few political science panels, the answer is still really unclear.
My belief in the rapidity of Amazon has been shaken. The screen protector that I ordered, last weekend, has still not been shipped. I’d grown accustomed to their “get it in the customer’s hands, ASAP” way of retailing, and to be forced to wait into the end of the week is difficult. That means no envelope before next week, minimum.
I mean, why hasn’t my order arrived? Has this company morphed into eBay? Are they second-sourcing via the slow boat from China? What’s up? I jest, barely.