24th March 2016

Total acquittal

posted in media, Wx |

Seemed like a great idea, to me. Skip that whole cooking process and find a nearby restaurant. Supper, at someone else’s expense (not exactly). Not to be; we’re on the cusp of a long weekend, and the nearby restaurant started their time away from the kitchen early this afternoon. I had no choice but to pick up my big knife and chop chicken and bell peppers. Fajita night, in spite.

I hoped, sort of, that the contractor would make it up here today. Got up early and prepared my site. Alas, it was not to be, unless he sneaks in under cover of darkness. I guess the long weekend is generalized.

The trial of the century (from the viewpoint of CBC) came to an end today. Total acquittal. The witnesses for the prosecution had been in contact, and the 5000 emails between two of the accusing side were placed into evidence. Note to self: is nothing secret/sacred? Given that the accused did not testify, and the legal team for the defense were “pricey”, this was a slam-dunk. In the courts, at least; in the public forum, guilt paints broadly. Or to paraphrase: “Good luck getting a date, asshat!”

Here’s a question: should I have cleared that layer of snow from the deck? Right now, a certain twinge of doubt, as we await the next storm. This time around, freezing rain… that stuff can be heavy and hard to shovel. Yes, the opening of the first golf course, several weeks ago, may have been a premature victory. This winter still has a bit of spirit left.



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