A walk in the woods
Just because we lived for decades in the city, one shouldn’t assume that we have no woodsense. Today, faced with a wonderful opportunity to wander off-road with the dog, we dress appropriately. We carried a GPS (actually a smartphone, but let’s not quibble over details). And, we went only where the snow was virgin. That way, we could follow ourselves back out of the woods. Or walk in circles. No, the dog would never have accepted that as appropriate behavior.
Anyhow, our morning constitutional was a great first fling with life in the country. We’ll do it again, maybe as early as tomorrow. And the dog knows better than to complain. Hey, he was the first to get excited, when he saw me pull out a leash and say “Let’s go for a walk”.
Once out of sight of the roadway, we noticed the large number of tracks. Different sizes, different patterns; all without the tread of a sole that city folk consider natural winter wear. The possibility that we were in a world of predator vs prey was evident, although no death traces were “spotted”. Again, maybe tomorrow.
Off in the distance, a windmill. Too far for a first exploration, but eventually. I’ll have to pore over the aerial photos, to see what natural hazards lie between us and there. You know; bogs, lakes, whatever. And if we go too far, there’s a shoreline to put us back on track. It’s an island, after all!
Eventually, we’ll be seasoned veterans. Then, we can make snide remarks about any (other) city slickers that happen into the neighbourhood. Meanwhile, consider us to be apprentice sorcerers.