A goal followed by a plan
Not sure where I saw it, but the phrase involved “setting a goal and making a plan”. In that order. So, I did.
My goal is to reinstall my HF antenna. With radials, and buried coax feed. However, since the LAST time I did this, I moved, and the ground around here is very different (no bedrock). Several weeks ago, the local hardware store provided a 1 meter threaded steel rod, as an alternative to pouring concrete. However, my antenna base (a piece of threaded steel pipe) simple swallows the whole thing. I thought about my goal, and returned to purchase a second section of rod, with a coupling.
The handy sledge hammer that I keep around for just such a job proved perfect for driving the long rod into the ground (for about 70% of the length. That should keep my pipe from moving in any direction other than straight up; I now have a firm base for the antenna.
My order of bury-grade coax arrived via DHL this afternoon. 45 meters, in a box, at a reasonable price from that new ham dealer: Amazon. Seriously, my access to retail has shifted radically. As soon as the little junction connectors arrive, I’ll figure out how to get cable through the wall of the house (probably over by the satellite and telephone entries). I could be back “on the air” before snow falls!
Turned that bag of mixed vegetables into a decent fall stew, this afternoon. Something very satisfying about peeling and chopping and then eating…