Playing not a sign of a sport
Evidence that the justice system does rule correctly, on occasion: In the UK, a High Court judge has ruled that Contract Bridge is NOT a sport. I knew that; in high school, we had to dress appropriately for physical education classes. The various, and genuine, sports were presented, sequentially and seasonally. Even the trampoline. The only card game that ever offered physical activity was that ongoing euchre circle in the cafeteria (woe be to he who disturbed the players).
Now, I wondered why such a question would ever make it to the courts, and the answer is that lottery income is distributed to those who are physically involved. Slamming cards on the table top didn’t require enough effort. Follow the money…
Another goal achieved, by me, in the kitchen today. My very first lemon meringue pie. I admit; the peaks on the white stuff are more like gentle snow bumps, but no “run” noticed, and my effort to reglue the crust which cracked when I took it out of the freezer a bit too roughly seem to have held. I’ll eat the weak slice first.
No sign of our big bug visitor from last evening.
The contractor dropped by this evening to check my basement windows. Actually, “contractor emeritus”, as he sent his father. A family business is so much more in the Island way.
As well, our neighbor from below stopped in, to let us know she’s heading south in the morning. A seasonal resident. No winter stress, as one of her other places (note the plural) is on a Bahamian island.