Is this akin to buying a used car?
Don’t count summer as over just yet. Moving from that single digit evening earlier in the month, we managed to get up close to 30C this afternoon. Pretty much required beach time for others. We had other company to welcome.
One carload, barely out of sight when another arrived. People out for a Sunday-style drive in the area. And while they were soaking up the ambiance, a call from the “generator guy”. My advice was for him to come on over, and although the house didn’t fill up, I feel that my isolated existence is ephemeral.
Back to the generator salesman. We want to buy; he wants to sell. All that remains is an analysis of our needs vs our wants. There’s a new model (there’s always a new model) at one price point, and a used version at a lower point. The big difference lies in warranty. And, above all else, the illusion of happiness with a purchase. Still more thought to go into the question.
I’m working through a book I’ve wanted to read for several weeks now. Party Of One, by Michael Harris. I’m partial to his viewpoint, so there’s less time spent picking holes in the narrative. Basically, we have a need for change in government, and Michael adds to the impression that the current bunch are not on the side of the righteous. Without stealing the punch, it should be required reading for a whole group of like-minded citizens. Unfortunately, they’re exactly the ones that won’t do so.
My fond hope is for the whole issue to change into one of historic interest.