Ikea wins
Make all the jokes you want. There are worse things than Ikea, when it comes to reassembled furniture. I’ve had a big job waiting for weeks; assemble a room full of Murphy bed and friends.
The packing cartons were large, very heavy and hardly identified. After some sorting and imagining, we separated out the “easy job”; a storage unit and work desk. Laid the cartons out, carefully. Tried to keep the minimal labels with the associated pieces. And quickly discovered that the order came at a price. NO instructions. Not even pictograms.
You can only go so far with a measuring tape and common sense. We called the company, and finally hooked up with an employee who was at home on sick leave. Willing to assist, as far as he could, from memory. He explained that the intentions of the firm far outreached their effort; the videos online, the manuals, whatever… all in the future. The gang that handled assembly did it by virtue of experience.
The extra holes in certain pieces – a question of polyvalence. The extra pieces in our package (?) – what the workers learned to discard. He suggested heading over to the hardware store and selecting some corner braces and short screws to incrementally aid the rigidity. Which I did, while taking son #3 to find a barber.
The job isn’t done, but we’re going to move cautiously. No sense going all Ikea, right?
I had a meeting to attend, this evening. First effort as recording secretary. I’ve got a lot to learn (including bringing along some lined paper).