29th April 2015

A visit by the garbage elves

posted in economy, environment |

Sometime during the morning, between cups of coffee, the garbage elves came and removed our pile by the road. The one we’d requested and detailed to the city; since the office and the curb crew never speak, I felt obliged to up the ante. Got rid of a few other things that would have required effort (and space in a dumpster). Just for the record, when you turn over large objects for disposal, they send a large truck. No sorting going on here; this will be direct deposit to the incinerator.

Not one to let the enthusiasm lapse, my spouse had other boxes ready by mid-afternoon. Boxes and boxes. Requiring multiple stops to get my job done. The used bookstore, of course. The EcoCentre, where the guard at the gate inquires about your intentions, but his eyes glaze over as soon as you detail. He doesn’t care that there was a lamp, or a small plastic aquarium. Only the outliers matter.

Back home, I realized that the tax return would require my finding order in the piles of envelopes. And so, I had at it. Sorting by date. Sorting by category. Finally, taking the pile that was actually part of the last calendar year’s collect, and sitting down to complete the forms. At least with a software version, there are no pencil wounds. Long before bedtime, I had made the link with their computers. Now to pay what I owe (I have five days to make good, apparently). I’m just glad to put that job behind me for another year. Next time around, only half as many forms to complete.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 29th, 2015 at 22:15 and is filed under economy, environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 268 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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