Finally spotted a dropping writ
As a fan of the political process, I’m tingling all over. I just watched the writ dropping! Gravity being what it is (whatever it is), things moved from high to low rapidly. The Island will have a muddy season, whether or not there’s a melting of the snows.
Finally glazed a ham. Actually not that difficult a job, although there were comments that my aim outreached my target. The half ham turned into two smaller parts, and the magic potion of mustard, vinegar, cloves and brownish sugar spread like goo. Even time and heat didn’t solidify the candy; made for messy fingertips at service time.
Our neighbour brought more soup this afternoon, and I learned that it was he who cared for the property during our various summer absences. The kids we had left in the house were incidental to his cause. All a question of perspective.
I’m conducting a sort of census, to discover just how many cousins (of varying degree) I haven’t yet met. The first row is pretty much complete: one more to go, if ever I decide to head for the Rockies. Second cousins are where any future action will be. I wonder if “they” know about “me”? Should I wear a name tag when I’m free ranging, just in case?
As it goes, my mother went to great lengths (distances?) to make sure we had occasion to meet and greet. My father? Wow! Under the radar, all the way. I’ll have to tread carefully in my new neighbourhood.