3rd April 2015

Preparing to prepare food

posted in food |

I wonder how long a store needs to “get” more inventory? My quick trip to add LED bulbs to the pile of material for the new house led nowhere (sorry, but the only word that fit the situation rhymed with red, or bed, or fed…). I did find the replacement electrical switches I need here (and now), so it wasn’t a wasted outing.

Unlike my second, philanthropic trip. Had a TV and a computer from the “must give away” pile, and the local thrift shop had no interest in adding them to their “must acquire” pile. I tried to convince the two staff on duty, and they convinced me that my kindness was misjudged.  My plan B involved stopping by our local EcoCentre, where donations are accepted without anything more detailed than the directions to the appropriate pile.

Today, I dusted off the big cookbook and prepared something simple. Meatloaf. Wherein a tray of ground beef mutates into something better by adding some eggs, ketchup and breadcrumbs. Magical. It also provides leftovers for tomorrow, in case I lack inspiration.

After careful study of price points and consumer reviews, I’ve ordered an induction cooker. We may need something, short term, until appliances are in place, and if son #3 decides to strike out on his own, he’ll have basic tools for a life of rice and discount milk. Pity the next need won’t be as easy to acquire.

He could use a driver’s permit, in the absence of public transit. We’ve compared the requirements, in a here vs there scenario, and there’s no instant answer. Time; about a calendar year. Much longer than in MY time.


This entry was posted on Friday, April 3rd, 2015 at 21:03 and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 271 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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