25th February 2015

Make the case fit

posted in computing, technology |

Time was, I might have rushed to get as much of a project completed (in a short time) as possible. Now, the projects are stretched out to fit the time available. Subtle explanation for this new lifestyle. In brief terms, I don’t have to go to bed until I want to.

The whole “get up and go to the office every day” routine put a serious cramp on creativity. No matter what, the sleeping had to be shoehorned into daily life. And so I bent to schedule. Not my noblest period. Now, I’m better able to look at a project and see how taking my time will lead to success and satisfaction.

Received the case for my Raspberry Pi. Nothing fancy; two halves of clear plastic with cutouts. And it lacks the one I need, for the camera module. Going to have to find the fake Dremel and prepare a hole for the lens to peek through. Everything else fits; I tried it, and even the tiny wifi on a USB plug doesn’t seem oversized. My micro-SD card is already loaded with a distro, and I’ve read through a couple of primers on getting the wifi up and running before making the box into a “headless” unit. Something small and remotely accessible is the goal.

Will I tackle that part tonight? No, there might be something interesting on TV, and I had to run my personal batteries down, dealing with a pair of itinerant preachers. Take note; they don’t appreciate learning that the 144K ruling class belief is at odds with a few others that they list on the spiritual manifest.


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 at 19:34 and is filed under computing, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 268 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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