Not much going on here. The dog is on my bed, I’m on his couch. Equilibrium.
Had to do a double take, when son #3 put on his outside protection and told us he was off to enjoy Carnaval. Usually, the locals avoid such diversion after the first time. He must be helping a tourist…
Finished week three of the MOOC coursework. Never realized that the Stones did anything other than ragged rock. Dulcimer? Recorders? Vibraphone? Did they think they were the Beatles?
Another sign that I’m getting old. Each new pain, or stiffness when moving to a new chair, reminds me that I’m on that slide to a hole in the ground.
The dog has developed a new attention getter: he pretends to be a pingpong ball when he wants to check out life on the other side of the door. Amusing, except for the talons. The same ones that the vet wouldn’t “fix”… Might have to knit him some paw covers, out of kevlar threads. Something flashy, just to impress the other neighbourhood hounds.
Hey, maybe that’s why (some) people dress their (near) dogs. It gives the pooch something to yap about, when the street chorus is practicing.
Things that can wake a fellow up: wondering if the new roof will have to be cleared of snow. Will I need to find a magic carpet and snow rake combo? Seriously, getting older removes any urge to try falling off the slippery slope over my own home (or anyone else’s) in the game of reducing loading. And building a dome is beyond my means.