New preview effort
It all came together: a bread machine, some rapidly ripening bananas and a small container of walnuts. Stir in some filler, wait for the machine to work its magic and voilà… Homebrew banana loaf. Actually quite tasty, and much less work than the old way.
My skills are improving with my latest time eater. 3D floor plans. Since the new house remains virtual, why not virtualize? The kitchen will look something like this…
Actually, I figured out how to insert a floor plan and the anchor the room corners properly; made the room proportions work without disobeying the basics of plane geometry.
Elsewhere in the Western world (including here in the city), people are marching in force to show their solidarity with French journalists. Not sure it will mollify the opposition.
The latest effort to edit Canadian history (an obsession of our Great Leader) is a newfound public interest for the life of the first prime minister. Despite the character flaws that we all learned in earlier revisions, he is now “wonderous”. Could this be a way to instill a sense of worship for mediocre politicians? Like our Great Leader?
Let me rephrase… I don’t feel any need to like our current prime minister, and I won’t miss him when he moves along to a better paying gig with his beloved petroleum industry. In fact, if he wants to get an early start on that…
Time to see what might be entertaining on cable this evening. When we move (to the satellite systems in place elsewhere), I may miss what I take for granted.