Pay your own freight
The local newspaper carried one of those wire photos that give one pause. Nothing involving mass deaths, or natural disasters, or cute animals. Rather, a group photo with a young man, a young woman and a famous athlete. Arm on shoulder, side by each. And the explanation that a whole nation of empire builders are in a tizzy because one of “their family” had come into contact with a commoner. Someone owes someone an apology…
We moved one step closer to harmony with authority this morning. I swore an affidavit, that son #3 is who he claims to be and lives where he says he does. With that small effort, he can return to the protection of health coverage.
Seems that if you are tardy in returning government paperwork, the next hoop (that you have to jump through) is placed higher.
The rains on the Island were torrential. Biblical. That is, based on the number of closed roads and failed bridges. Never forget that someday you may need a boat.
What is it with business convinced that government must build their infrastructure? I’m sure you can find examples in your area; here, some mining companies want a new railroad worth $8 billion. A third railroad, because the idea of your competitors “carrying” your bags of rocks from there to here is too painful to contemplate (or negotiate).
I have another idea: pay your own freight! Otherwise, your profits really do belong to the people (and we know how that idea wasn’t in any of your business plans, no matter how fancy the paper you printed it on).