Stealthy siding
The difficulty with turning a fallow field into a house location is that it isn’t anywhere. In terms of society and commerce, at least. For the last couple of months, the norm has been to say we will live next door to so-and-so (for those in the know). Or that we’re located a certain time-distance calculation past a landmark (pick the lighthouse or the fire hall). All that changed, about a day ago, when we received an email revealing the civic address.
A new address; so many possibilities. I started by notifying the utility and the insurance agent, and then sent messages to friends. Just in case… After that, a round of testing the address in the websites that tell you if internet service is available, or if there will be a postal code (a Canadian thing). Write the address down, so you can say you’ve seen it (other than on a bill). And relax. Six months from now, the novelty will have worn off.
Same thing for details, like “What colour is the house?” I admit, I have no idea. Colour blindness is real. However, and I checked this with others based on a couple of contrasting/contradictory photos, the siding may be grey. That relieves me of the stress of not being sure; nobody will be. It’s not any colour. In fog, the house will be fully stealth. At dusk, almost invisible. We may have to put flashing lights on the corners to keep us safe from flying objects. Back to the (virtual) shopping; this time, I need a backlit sign for that new address number.