21st October 2014

The man behind the curtain

posted in education, environment |

Turns out, there really is a man behind the curtain. Forget Oz; in the world of rock and roll, one man makes the tour happen. At least, according to the documentary we watched during supper.

His name is Arthur Fogel, and if even a fraction of what we were told is true, the reason why live music happens (in the bigger context, say, world tour) is because a humble Canadian figured out that he could do things better than the big guys, a long time ago. Quite a list of clients, too. Rush, the Stones, the Police, U2, Lady Gaga, Madonna. And that’s only what I remember, while trying not to overcook the meat and underheat the fries.

While son #3 was skeptical, I believe. Nothing happens by chance when you’re trying to move a veritable army of roadies and gear into place, so that the artists can make it to stage (and off again). With time to pack it up and get to the next venue, as a plus. I only have to consider how hard we work, any time a family meal is planned. Maybe Mr. Vogel does side jobs.

I’m trying to move this tiny circus to a new venue, and we’re looking at months of effort. OK, the truck might take one day, but getting ready… Again, maybe Mr. Vogel does side jobs. Today, I finished the pool shutdown (along with documentation, for the new owner). Not a huge effort, but there’s no room for leaving out a step. Consider how much more planning would be needed if I had to involve a group of musicians.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 21st, 2014 at 19:42 and is filed under education, environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 267 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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