Scribble in the appropriate circle
Enough already! Enough of the empty promises, and the mudslinging. Enough of the really photogenic telephone posters. I want the campaign to end, preferably with fireworks. And fueled with the promise of hot pizza, I went to the local advance poll and did the “fill in the circle with the provided pencil” game.
After all, when my convictions are no more fixed than millions of my neighbours, why wait? This gang of recycled power hungry talking heads have nothing else left to reveal. I’ve seen the best of the secrets, and now I can wait for the excitement of the announcement. One more week! No wonder the youth are so disenchanted with the process. They regard the show with less “background”, and see it for what it is. Social theatre.
Instead, I can use next Monday to watch reruns on TV, and chase the dog around the room.
My day was one with little challenge. After all, helping someone sign up for Skype is hardly something to prepare for. And with the high point of the afternoon behind me, I continued to convert files. FLAC-MP3. WMV-MOV. Old sounds into new(er). All part of my preparation for the end of the downloadable world. Get all the good stuff while there’s still space on the hard drive. I could buy another one, but that would mean twice as much stuff to keep track of. Not recommended.
The weather girl has revealed the monthly statistics. Way too much snow. Way too much wind. Extremely low temperatures. But we knew all that, already.