Need to be more snarky
As I sit and read from the book of blog postings I received during the holidays, I’m a little jealous. The author (a local newspaper columnist) writes, with a depth and style I can only aspire to. The big difference is that he tells you when he likes something (the easy part) but also when he doesn’t.
And there’s the trick I haven’t (yet) mastered. I know what bugs me; with almost six decades of preparation, life has shown me a few things. Am I willing to get all fired up and tell you about them? Not so much. It goes so much deeper than a distaste for soggy bread, or guacamole. Maybe you’ve caught on that I find little to admire in the three levels of governance that are closest to my pocketbook, but I’ve never laid back and tried to wallop their ideas out of the old ballpark. And as for the workplace… hey, they pay me to show up.
My dog is fine. The neighbour’s, less so. No mutt should have the vocal cords snipped… all that results is dischord, if you’ll allow the play on words. Actually, my dog could be a little quieter right now, but that’s just an average dog response to passers-by. They should know better. And with the snow piled in front of the house, they don’t even tread on the lawn (except for that one little kid that has a mission in life to go where none dare to wander).
I’m just not “snarky” enough.