15th December 2013

Could the dog tow a dragline?

posted in technology, Wx |

Perhaps I can adapt a small dragline shovel and harness it to the dog. Then, when he barrels out to bark at passersby, the driveway can be cleared at the same time. Too much energy on his side of the couch (and not enough on mine).

It’s been snowing since first coffee; suppertime is past, and the pile of fluffy white is impressive. Not enough to stop a school bus, but given the energy crisis before sunrise, I decided to get in my round of cardio before settling in for a short winter’s nap. No big deal, really. The cold air kept the stuff “light”, and my car was free to go out (by itself, if the urge arose) within the half-hour. We’re scheduled to install some sort of expensive remote start gadget later this week. The car will find it easier to leave, apparently.

I decided to revisit my MOOC submission from last evening and rewrite several sections. On this course, the ‘grading” is done within seconds, so there must  be some sort of word count algorithm in play. With three tries, handing in a failed submission should be easy to avoid. This time around, the questions were aimed at testing my understanding of “risk analysis”, I think.

China now has a rover on the Moon. Some sort of robotic toy, I guess. Hate to tell them that NASA and whatever the Soviet call their agency have already “been there, done that”. I guess that any designs on global domination (or extraterrestrial) begin with something simple and affordable.


This entry was posted on Sunday, December 15th, 2013 at 19:27 and is filed under technology, Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 256 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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