Another season to survive
I left for work, in darkness, and I came very close to falling on a patch of black ice. Later, the flurries started, thickened and finally ceased. By the end of the work day, the only remaining evidence of our first day of winter was in areas of deep shadow. And with another 300 cm of white stuff “in view”, I’m already ready for the end of it. So much for my nordic sense.
Not that I have any control over the whole thing. I’ll wait for this week’s warmer days to pass. I’ll don my boots and mitts and tuque (I have several, despite my lack of nordic sense). And by the time the season moves on to something better, I’ll be that much older, and that much closer to retirement. All things must pass.
Happened to go out to the university library this afternoon (between my two bus trips) and was bewildered. I couldn’t find a whole section of books, despite the markings on the end of the shelves. Worse, I couldn’t find a single person to pester (it’s reading week, apparently). Next time, I’m getting a better map of where they hid the CS section.
This evening, I’m trying to “get my head around” a Beethoven fugue. The Große Fuge if you need clarification. After a first listen, I’m not sure what to do with such a beast. Some bars are lovely; some bars are awful. Turns out that my gut feeling matches that of the original audiences, some (almost) two centuries ago.