23rd October 2013

Pumpkins and impending flurries

posted in environment |

The current government has spoken. “Categorically false” means whatever they want it to mean, and the members of the party believe. If that sounds similar to a religion, you have seized the message. I’ll try not to get stuck on the shenanigan channel. It’s hard. I’d rather make a batch of popcorn and stretch out in the La-Z-Boy®. Maybe tomorrow. Or the next day. This story isn’t going away any time soon.

We had one of those days at work, where the most notable event was the arrival of the pumpkin order.

Ditto for the bus ride home (although no orange-rinded fruit were involved). I tried to sleep, but the rocking motion doesn’t relax me at all. I have visions of the movie Speed. At home, all the mail was addressed to someone else.

The Mac Mini, proudly wearing its new suit of Mavericks, has moved downstairs. It turns out that you can’t attach the HDMI outlet (on the monitor) to one computer and then try to use the DVI-HDMI adapter on the Mac. No way to change, other than actually disconnecting the cables from the unused machine. I didn’t plan on that.

My view of the world has shrunk; I now see things in terms of where I need to be, or where I’ve been, in the recent hours. No attempt to plan long term. Must be the announcement of impending snow flurries, and the excitement about a new lift over at the local ski hill. Imagine: six minutes to the summit instead of twelve. Progress!




This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 at 19:30 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 253 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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