A display of useless knowledge
After an Apple kind of day, I’m still not converted. Yes, the presenter did an excellent job, and the projector worked flawlessly. No, we didn’t actually “touch” anything. Maybe next time.
To be fair, the reason for my being there was, is and will be unclear. I was a chair filler. The software will be used in our system. Not part of my job description. I rest my case. What I did learn is that backups are super important, because if your administrative machine stops working, you start all over again with your preferred method of payment. Apple…
My lunchtime was an alternate plan. Instead of heading off to a restaurant, I returned to the office to pick up some stuff before returning to the lecture (in a school, across town). Round trip: 35 minutes. I’m not sure that anyone missed me.
On the plus side, my earliest possible bus home was leaving from two corner over, so I arrived home before the dog had a chance to get really needy. He requested, and received, permission to spend the next couple of hours outside watching the world go by. Canine bliss, on a hot day.
Get ready for yet another minor war. Syria has angered the big dogs, and any day now there will be a few more holes in the floor. Missiles will do that to your house. I wouldn’t want to be there.
The post office is complaining about low revenues. Hey! Change your projections. Or teach kid to write letters to their friends. This whole bit of protecting obsolete industries is so last century.